Friday, July 27, 2007

ok, you need to click on the articles so it will become big enough to be read.

the best ff4 rydia and rosa cosplay!

and here is our very own local version... i believe she is the person mentioned in the article. i almost wanted to stop her when she walked in sakae sushi so that we could take a picture... ah well at least i did manage to take with her as spitfire (air gear) in orchard and delirium (sandman) on the second day. haha! oh... i also remembered that when i did rinoa on my very first cosplay, she did aerith! pretty!!! (hmm but her hair seemed too long for rosa?)

why wHy wHY WHY WHY!?
now i will NOT become a singaporean. i can't. and i won't. i am so gonna leave this place and never come back. one fine day, maybe i will.
all the stupid procedures, detailed documents, unrelentless pursue.
the one thing i'm thankful about because of this whole mess is that i managed to grab cloths of arab street for $2.50/m. (not to mention 2 consecutive half days.)
but uHHHh now i would have to go back malaysia to renew my stupid passport.
isn't this supposed to be a free world? why are there so many lines tying us back? why are there strict patrols on the borders.
please just mess things up for once, won't you?
*rambles on and on...*

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

i managed to spray paint my dried pauldrons in 2 layers yesterday. it turns out that the clay doesn't stick to the newspaper, which is both good and bad. so i had to attach the rim of papers around it again for the layered padding. i did a bad job - one side of the pauldron the clay was folded, but heck, don't think it's that obvious. and the surface is pretty patternized (not smooth...), plus there's cracks at the edges and a little hole in the middle. bluarghzzz... ughh. i suck at molding clay. also i missed out certain areas in my paint job. guess i have to endure my indie neighbours weird stares again...

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don't let the picture fool you, you can see all those rouge thingy at the bottom. the pauldron is actually p retty flimsy. now, how can i hold it in place??

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

by the way, i have just fixed my time stamp. hur hur hur.
i just finished my harry potter book today. ok just so you know the dots are for those who don't want to be spoiled!!

-------------start of spoilers--------------------
this is the best, best book in the series. when i read about severus snape my heart really goes out to him. i would never, never imagine him to be so brave and loyal, and thought he was a traitor all along. it really surprised me there. and the fact that he loved lily. my goh. it was a shock to me. and i was pretty sad to read the 19 years later part, and amused at how harry had named his children after his parents, and albus severus. it was a good ending, but it means there may not be a sequel if the author decides to wrap up that way. i had a hard time picturing lily as harry's daughter and kept thinking about lily, harry's mother instead. so the conjured scenes in my mind were kinda weird O_o`
and all of james potter clique died while fighting the dark lord. feels like lupin's child has the same fate as harry. maybe they would write a story about him next?
i'm glad the author moulded neville into such a strong character! i was amazed when he was describing all the daring things he did while harry was gone... and how he accomplished the feat of destroying the last horcrux. and when he drew the gryffindor sword, it was just amazing!
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i hope jk rowling would continue writing.

long live harry potter!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

oh yays! i got my harry potter book, no thanks to having to attend confluence early and subsequently avoid the maddening crowd (and potential queues, though i did have to subscribe to it with xm). through sneaking lines in between office work (it's really easier to sneak writing chunks on blogs, than a big book under my desk), i've managed to reach about chapter 29.
jk rowling is fantastic! this book is better than i can ever imagine. she just manages to churn our surprise after surprise, new magicks, personalities, secrets and stuff after 6 books. if not for the bulk i would have hid in the toilet to finish the book (d'ya reckon i can stuff it in my shirt...??).
i hope there's still life after hogwarts!
good luck at the 7days 6 nights camp, to all NTu freshies. UGH. just the thought makes me curl with apprehension. i can't even stand 1 day of camp for goodness sake...
ah well, zhifu carved his heart and soul into the emblems before he left and i thought they look pretty nice! now i have 4 of them but i'm only gonna use 2. some of the undersides are still burnt and bubbled, but it's not very obvious. ok, i'm not a sucker for detailed details such as these, i am not a perfectionist... for now at least.

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i bought these paper clay and it turns out to be so much softer and usable than that stupid white clay which hardens in a minute and chips in seconds. at least i could knead this one for about half an hour or so before it hardens slightly. i guess this clay is usable only on this kind of supposedly large and flat surfaces. the surface is not smooth, but then again, i'm not a perfectionist. heh heh (ok, i'm lazy, but heck)

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and finally i went to daiso to get this material which i thought might be suitable for my armour base instead of the foam (foam is so expensive). this costs only $2 and enough to make 2 armour base.

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however, it is feeble and tears easily. at least it's still better than my newspaper base. haha.

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go on, laugh all you want (-_-`) i know it loooks disgusting and eeky, you can't imagine how i have to put that on and strut around for my measurements (i seriously don't know how to measure with a measuring tape). (gosh, why does lenneth hav big boobs??) i've done some sketches so i know where i can roughly cut and where i can put the transparencies to toughen the exterior... just hope it works.

Friday, July 20, 2007

i just realised that i took some very funny pictures for my cosplay. haha.

rhode and tykki performing magic tricks: (nemo looks in awe)

gaara using lero and rhode hiding behind his gourd:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

i've just added amethyst angel's url on the side bars, she has some really really good armour making tutorials and stuff, super pro! but most of the materials she use can't really be found in singapore. sighs. i wish someone would import them cheaply. boy are they expensive.
and mine are really not tutorials, it's just a record of my work, so it CANNOT be compared to hers...!
ok time to go back to my PVC. i did this papier marche balloon quite a few days ago, and the balloon shrunk so much that it was pretty easy to cut and remove everything into my pauldron shape

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most sites i've been to don't really teach how you can measure and cut the stuff. mine's not really accurate but i sorta used aluminium foil to get the basic shape to draw onto the balloon, then cut them out. after that you can just imprint one onto the other and cut the outline so make sure both are the same sizes.

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i realised i have this as a leftover, and i might just redo my helm if i find that the papier marche method is easier...

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i just bought this paper clay thing, a small slab for $3+, hope it works better than the white clay. and i got myself some transparency-like transparencies, 3 A4-sized foam (that's the only size it has, $1 each) and sandpaper ($0.21). can't wait to start putting clay on the pauldrons!

Monday, July 16, 2007

3rd day of cosfest
i spent the least time on this costume, seriously, because i already have the dress i bought in malaysia some time ago ( i have the dress that's why i was gonna do misa haha), and the only thing i really needed to work on was the lan pok gloves, hair and make up, which is really not much. well, most effort was spent on walking to the supermarket to buy the apple with my mom (and her groceries of course) in the morning. my camera had to run out of battery after about 20-30 pictures. (-_-`) boo hoo hoo.

here's the poor gundam who couldn't really go up stage to take pictures... he is soooo cute!! (i think it's a he...)

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i met them in all 3 days in different costumes. love her harp!

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anyway this is my idol, kakashi, whose group did dragon lance. her golden face and her $300 hourglass contacts are... whoa! love her silverish hair. and frank looks good as an elf, while christina rocks as the gorgeous princess (i have no idea who the characters are actually, correct me if i'm wrong)! and that bike shop armour really works wonder. i took photos with them but i look fat and ugly so i shan't post it ;p

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ehh i seriously don't like acting cute. and this was solely for convenience sake. (-_-`) i think i shall stick to vampiric characters next time.
2nd day of cosfest at d'tent.
we got cheated by the malay uncle at the entrance of the chalet who directed us to the opposite end when the real d'tent was just to walk straight ahead. i'm gonna turn rascist man.
well anyway i got this picture from the forum... and it seems like the best picture out of my entire collection:

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and then we took with astarte from angel sanctuary, who did juclesia from magna carta the next day. ARGHHH i didn't take with juclesia!! i'm so sad. and tykki looks good with astarte. wedding no maru de ne~

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too lazy to upload so many photos. eh heh

Friday, July 13, 2007

here's a picture of rhode with her pink umbrella and tykki... looks like you need a pack of cards indeed, fritzooo...

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

i finally finished my rero. the color is still wrong and the leaves shape a bit different, but ARGHH i'll change it IF i am bored enough. drew the pumpkin lines and wrapped the green thing around the stalk... in case no difference is spotted. oh! and the face is sharper on the sides now.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

finally found someone who posted our hellsing pictures up! and it was of great quality too! yay! i totally love this one! don't have many of alucard and hellsing only pictures lo... and i remember this, a whole horde of photographers just went on snapping away, and some photographers were lying on the floor trying to capture special angle photos... it was pretty funny but this is a very nice angle i'd say~

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after i'm done spray painting these handguards, i really have no idea how to proceed with my other armour parts. may have to be suspended for a while. *sighs*

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

oh and i sort of worked a bit on the armguard of valkyrie's while waiting for the paint to dry. basically i'm just gonna stick with using hard paper, so i started cutting out some of the shapes to be ready to be spray painted...

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ok... time to work on my next project - d'gray man! i'm gonna be doing rhode kamelot / road camelot whatever the name is spelt as... i prefer the former though. i'll try to find a colored picture of her, but man, her pictures are rare! but here's a video of her singing!

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tried doing the little pumpkin called rero on her umbrella yesterday.

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i'm doing the evil face but that's the only shot i got that's big enough from the anime. i have lots of orange paint but they were so bright i tried mixing with brown, and it turned dull, so i painted some more orange over again. so this is how it turned out...

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mashed all the paper and masking taped it into this form...

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think it looks a wee thin, don't ya think? and i need to work on getting the right shade of orange. maybe i'll just paint again later in the evening... or tomorrow.

Monday, July 09, 2007

OH MY this is my 1,000th post!!
well anyway i've finished my alucard! taka cosplay was a smasssshhh... except for the policemen who just wants to ruin our weapons by pasting silly stickers on them... pointless stuff.
here's the finished hat! i changed the strips so it looks more like the picture now:

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well are you DYING to see how i look as alucard? i'm not gonna post many... only selected those that i look nice in... don't view in the night! HAHA.
and zhifu did a great job as father anderson! YAY. some people mistook me as edward elric (ok, i'm short) and jiro (black blood brothers) but it could have been worse without anderson! oh, and spray paint DO work on hair! zhifu has just proven that it is easy to wash off since it will turn to bits. WOW.

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with akito (peggy) from air gear she did a pairing with kyoist... oh my god she looked damn hot too bad i didn't see kyoist that day!

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hollow ichigo from bleach, heard there's a very good zangetsu, but didn't manage to take with him!

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with ouran and nana (i think?) shinigami

well if you wanna see more, tell me heh heh i'm too lazy to put all of them.

Friday, July 06, 2007

it's almost done! used one of my sister's old red tshirt and cut the correct size this time for the underside flap. did all these using white glue! haha! i'm just too lazy t sew.

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added the white strips and managed to sew a few buttons around the brim of the hat. it still lacks strippy patterns though...
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here's how the original hat is supposed to be like:

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hope i have time to touch up today... it's the freaking production day of lao jiu man... sighsss

Thursday, July 05, 2007

ok i can't believe it but i'm overspending again! i really should not go shopping. this was from shopping at orchard with my sis the other day...

from spotlight sale! can't help loving art!
$3.95 on a huge bottle of white glue
$12 on a set of basic acrylic student paint (well, it was on sale k!!)
$2 on 1m of lace

$32 on a top from ebase... so much for the 40% off it's still above $30 man...

.................................... total: $50 for the moment

$28 for driving this week
$40 on contact lenses (twice more from what was expected)
$1 on a piece of potato

.................................... subtotal on miscellaneous: $69

..................................... so for this week: $119
ARGH i can't believe i overwrote my alucard post with my contacts post. well, anyway for my hat update... AGAIN (for me, ok?).
materials: denzyl's food collection drive red tshirt, corrugated board, president's challenge cap (with the front flap snipped off, it was too zhor teng) - can see all of these from the underside!

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used white glue to paste the cloth (not pasted very well, will fix again), and sewed the board, cloth and hat together in the holey area around the rim. kept having to enlarge the hole cos my head was too big. haha. wasted my other half of the red tshirt by cutting the underside cloth too small! damn, i need another shirt now. this tells me i should always draw before i cut!

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oh yes! second time i succeeded putting my contacts. this is taken with flash from my phone by the way... while i'm at work! i took half an hour in the morning to do it. so proud of myself. the side areas are a bit blurred for now. maybe too much contact with my fingers... gonna take them off at noon since my opto says 4hours 1st day, 6hours 2nd day, 8hours 3rd day and so on. so consider this my first day!
oh ya, i used blogger to upload this picture. sweet!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

i skipped stage-it to go practise putting on my lenses... and i didn't regret it! yay! after 2 hours i successfully touched my eyeball and moved the lens around. i think my eye may have grown bigger after all that stretching. here's how the color looks:

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looks more brown than red, but i think it would have that added effect, eh? the sense of achievement when i finally put the lens in... wow it was like the whole shop was cheering for me (-_-`)
oh and i think i got my retribution... woke up at 4am having a bad diarrhoea. oh well, at least i'm purged of all evils now. bluarghz. the sacrifices i make for alucard. brrrrr.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

ok i can't believe i did these at work! i think my colleagues must be thinking i'm some kind of witchcraft practitioner now. bluarghz... the things you sacrifice...!! haha. well, spot the difference! (there's a lot by the way, aside from the angle taken heh)

right hand:

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left hand:

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eee my phone is taking blur pictures now. pffftttt....
i just received my emblem yesterday, it was burnt, but better than expected! i could skip the bubbles. maybe it would even the spray if the whole thing is burnt, since black is a good base. thank you so much zhifu!! you're the best crafter in the world! yay! i'm so glad i found a cosplay partner, and a skilled one at that. ok, handsome (ughh).

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Monday, July 02, 2007

oh ya the other time denzyl came to have lunch with me and he bought a green tea red bean ice cream from opposite my work place the 7-eleven. i thought the shape was pretty funny. it has a weird tast. i think it's expired ice-cream. hoho.

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and i finally cut my hair! yay! it feels like i have lesser hair now though. i wanted it to look like this from the front:

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but turns out it wasn't short enough, really. when i tie my hair the strands didn't fall down as expected. i hope it's better with a little styling. i still have my back long hair, and my trademark extra long hair at the side. haha, no worries.