Sunday, October 28, 2007

or so i almost wanted to send. f*** society.
To: SBM group members
Subject: last lap.

Hi guys.
Ok, i seriously don’t know what you guys are up to with the mild response and enthusiasm in the project, but I am DEAD tired from repairing all the articles you guys have. I really appreciate you all handing in the stuff, but I’m sorely disappointed at the substandard quality. It just shows that you don’t give a damn about this project. I know you get a pass/fail for this course, so you can’t really be bothered, and you won’t even do anything no matter how many emails I sent, even when I bothered to give comments – which probably went ignored again.
Whatever it is, just to let you know, me and Helen’s working our asses off for this shit. We got a b- for the last one (it’s pass for you and fail for us, ok?). I know, awwww, screw us for working so hard and getting this kind of shitty grade. Please don’t reply with apologetic sentences that don’t mean anything at all. The least you guys can do now is to make our presentation a successful one. And we are going to have a meeting next week. Stop going on your assholic holidays and start paying a little more attention to work. 2 hours of work won’t kill you, will it? Silly me for even believing that you’ll put in a teeniest amount of effort for this. And I can probably bet on a 30% attendance for our one and only meeting.
And yeah, another mail from Christy with her little whinings again. Go ahead and delete this mail. Why did I even bother typing this at all?

: Christy-Bell Goh
Singapore Management University
Contact [92253857]

Monday, October 15, 2007

A Deadly Mix
台灣,一名女人突然無緣無故的七孔流血暴斃,一夜之間,就奔赴黃泉大家下回可要多多注意囉!經過初步驗屍 .斷定為因砒霜中毒而死亡。那砒霜從何而來?警員展開了深入而廣泛的調查。一名醫學院的教授被邀趕來協助破案。教授仔細地察看了死者胃中取物,不到半個小時,暴斃之謎便揭曉。教授說:「死 者 並非自殺,亦不是被殺,而是死於無知的『它殺』」! 大家莫名其妙,何為『它殺』!? 那砒霜又是從何而來?教授說:「砒霜是在死者腹內產生的。」死者生前每天也會服食「維他命 C」,這完全沒有問題!問題出在她晚餐吃了大量的蝦,吃蝦本身也是沒有問題的,所以她的家人吃了都沒有事,但死者卻同時服用了「維他命C」,問題就出在這裡 ! 美國芝加哥大學的研究人員,通過實驗發現,蝦等軟殼類食物含有大量濃度較高的-五鉀砷化合物。這種物質食入體內,本身對人體並無毒害作用!但是, 在服用「維生素 C」之後,由於化學作用,使原來無毒的-五鉀砷 ( 即砷酸酐,亦稱五氧化砷,其化學式為As205) ,轉變為有毒的三鉀砷 (即亞砷酸酐 ),又稱為三氧化二砷,其化學式為As203),這就 是人們俗稱的砒霜 !砒霜有原漿毒作用,能麻痺毛細血管,抑制巰基梅的活性,並使肝臟脂變肝小葉中心壞死,心、肝、腎、腸充血,上皮細胞壞死,毛細血管擴張。故中其毒而死者,常是七竅出血。 所以;為慎重起見,在服用「維生素 C 」期間,應當忌食蝦類。 看完後;請不要吝嗇的轉寄給您的親朋好友吧 !!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

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i love this sword thank you so much fritzzzzzzzzzzo.
aside from my scrapbook this must be the best birthday present ever!
who else would shed blood making a sword for me man.
YAY~! i have a valkyrie sword! oh my god. WOWOWOOWOWOWWOW~

look at the lovely hilt.

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oh by the way i'm inspired by the hotglue drawing and transparency thingy for the neck you said. so i'm working on it. used my transparency to cut these out, the zigzag straps of the helm at the back (lacks coloring)

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and the collar (painted blue).

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on top of the collar you can see my hotglue drawings practice. of cos it still looks chui so i shall work more on it. the best thing about hotglue drawing is it's so easy to peel off!

and i added a zip on the back of my armour base. i think i haven't showed you guys my armour base! well i'll take a picture the next time for the front. i'm gonna spray paint it blue, maybe.

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arghh. and my mom went to throw away my collar piece when i was drying it cos she thought it was trash. sheesh, and i went to all the trouble of cutting and perfecting it and measuring it. had to make another one again, which just looks chui. (;_;)
haiz oh well, looking at the sword still makes me smile. (",) it's mine it's mine!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

wow!!! japanese are really something... and they totally deserve the full marks. i wonder how long they spent practising it!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

pasta cafe at taka!

they have this new set where yo uget to eat their pastas and baked stuff in small quantity at $22.90 (about $26-$27 with gst and service charge). it's seriously enough for 2 person, unlike what the person said. unless you're a big eater and you swap the starter salad as soup. even so, their soup is pretty big, it's served in a plate. ok, next up! (ok my pictures suck. but it's a phone camera, mind you. it's all orangey, but imagine the dish without the orange tinge ok?)

pasta salad for starters. pretty filling in itself. loaded with ham, fresh lettuce leaves, pineapples, and this brown japanese salad sauce which i don't know what it is called. nice!

then the main course - creamy seafood pasta. nice! with a mussel too. except my sister don't like mussels, so i get to eat it. hee hee. i used the sauce here for my baked pasta by the way. oh well.

then the next main course - baked slipper lobster pasta. aside from the nice cheesy topping and the lobster meat, the pasta itself is just plain. in fact you might even get sick of eating just the pasta only even though its quantity is pretty little.

anyway i made a little progress with my gwendolyn top... used a random black spaghetti and scrap black cloth (for the criss cross). probably when i attach that white tube to it then i will snip away the straps. ooh but it looks ready to be layered over any other tops now! yay!

by the way i ate this cake for my birthday. it's from swiss bake. lots of brownie chunks on the top, followed by a cheesecake layer and chocolate lined at the bottow. mmm-hmm~ it's pretty small, but it's still filling!
too bad there was still a cold war with my little brother. kinda made
the event a tad gloomy, but oh well! nothing's perfect.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

oh wow... this cosplayer is really zai.

that is the real hair used... they say angmoh's hair are usually much coarser, therefore easier to style. i guess now it's really put into good use.
and this person as link again.

i know, what a handsome dude!!
but of cos, the really zai part...
'he' is really a 'she'... of cos, you didn't know that did you?
well i guess some of us are just born with it.

GOSHHHHH i want the crisis core game!!!
and the psp looks so cool!
somebody's selling the
whole set at $688.
i'd rather buy a ps3 with that money. bleahs.
and then this guy is selling the game, buster sword strap and the limited edition earphones at $250!! RIP OFF. but i still so want. the game costs around $70-$85 locally. i wonder if it's in japanese.
and bogus sellers are putting up the sets all over auctions to trap those who can't think better than to buy from an unrated seller. raiding the house while it's on fire, eh?
gosh!! there's an advent children limited edition box going for a freaking $530. and ti includes soOOOO many things!

i guess it's pretty worth it. but still i'd give the money for ps3.
boy and there's a soundtrack here too, imported from japan at $45.

i saw the limited edition dvd going at $69.90 at music junction too... i hope it doesn't sell out soon, i only saw 1!
haiz!!! why is square-enix coming up with so many merchandise!!!!
is this how the game industry survives??