Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Your Room

The Window: Your Attitude
Your choice of the blue sky reveals a person who is very much a cheery optimist. You regularly exhibit "soft, airy, fluffy" behaviour, expressed as a magical metamorphism into weird and wonderful new shapes (as the wind blows). In all your endeavours you need room to breathe, frequently telling others to "Relax. Let's blue sky some ideas." As valiantly sunny as you are, you do have a darker side. You store up pain until you burst into tears while the heavens ring out with songs such as, "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head". Although your eye is fixed on the horizon, deep in your inner self you may have a secret wish to be a flight attendant, (coffee, tea or me) while watching blue movies and crying the blues with Ella Fitzgerald.

The Music: Your Lover
Your love ranges from the passion of Beethoven to the delicate beauty of Pachebal. Your relationship is based on an enduring trust and classical balance that helps you both rise to the highest level of understanding.

The Pictures: Your Relationships
Revealing an outgoing person with multiple friends and family who enjoys the ego stroking of putting his/her best stuff on display. May also mean that the person has eclectic taste in people (prefers groups) and does not like to be limited to monogamous relationships.

The Garbage: Your Problems
Your problems are small but they do exist. You run in fear from big problems foisting them over to your larger parent. But not all problems can be avoided and the garbage has to go somewhere. Sometimes you overflow in extreme moments with stubborn refusal to accept more problems than you can handle. In the deepest corner of your being you believe, as do your parents, that problems should not be hidden from sight but are better handled in a transparent, translucent and open manner.

The Clock: Your Future
Your future is that of a visionary, imagining scenarios for the next millennium. You may find yourself at home in an expansive industrial space, or marking time in a future warped out of a Douglas Coupland novel. Guard against your tendency for depression at your core. It is pronounced and evident to all. While this could cause consternation your off-beat sense of yourself redefines your concave, pillowy body as a life saving buoy fed solely on peanut butter thumbprint cookies. Your hands continually caress your external self causing others to accuse you of an inflated ego, but you know that time will pass and prove you to be right on

Your Room

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