whee. i think i'm coining a lot of terms myself. undercoat? underlining? lining? whatever, you know what i mean. or rather, i know what i mean haha.
here you can see a lot of the extras from the white cloth, which will be sewed in by another cover-up layer (another self-coined term). had to use the pins to mark the white cloth in place:
lousy zip i found from my stash. had to attach extra cloth to it cos it was missing the metal stopper zips usually have at the top and bottom (to prevent 'over-zipping').
here you can see that the white lining is not split up at the zip part.
the zip is actually at the front of the skirt. i figured that's where it'll be covered better since the top i made has a flap that would cover it better rather than when it's on the sides or back. a better choice would have been a hidden zip though. but my principle is to save as much and still create something presentable :p
and the skirt from the back. nothing special. just for the sake of completeness i should show the 360degrees view eh.
and i redid my choker too!
used a smaller enzyme (it looks enzymic to me...) button. best thing is last time you could see the stitches from the outside but now i've used hidden stitches so you can't see them now :D
the arrowed ends. last time it was just a cut-out, this time i sewed it inside and turned it around to hide the stitches, then sewed the semi-circles onto the long strips. some parts still protrude and doesn't look too good though. i also used leftover satin for the white part instead of ribbons like before so i can overlap the orange parts.
and my completed choker (without the jade pearl in the middle)
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