i'm so so excited! forgot to bring my handphone yesterday but i remembered today so here's one hoard of pictures for me to boast haha!
monday was so fruitful. i started my day working on the emperor headgear using corrugated board and cloth. here's what i have! now i'm just thinking of what strongs i should stick to it so i can really wear it...

and the back. maybe i will replace the yellow stick. looks awful.

then i worked on the belt. managed to snip the center section off with a plier and tie it with gold ribbons. yay!

and yes! my pretty top!

managed to sew on the embroidery piece to the collar:

and the sleeves.

it looks easy but because my estimation wasn't accurate and the cloth kept getting flopped (whatever that means), i had to unsew and resew a couple of time so it won't look so scrunged. and of cos, adding the buttons. the back of the lining looks horrible. maybe i'll treat it as a pocket.

then i went to fix my horribly underestimated obi by addding extensions. it looks pretty good now. i realised the underside is stitched on by the bobbin color, so you could actually have 2 different color on the front and back. stupid me, should have used it for my top. the troublesome part was changing the colors.

and i realised it was so messy (the back) so i had to cover it up. heh.

the last step was just adding buttons to it.

yesterday, i worked on the 2 golden strips. i had a horrible time unsewing ALL the gold lining at the side and sewing them again. this time, i unsewed it whenever the cloth flipped at the back or the layers doesn't sew well together. spent about 3+ hours just sewing the sides.

the back.

the tip of the back, which looks really awful because i underestimated the triangle section and the length.

and my swarovski crystals on it! pretty!