just 2 more days and i'll be done with the trip's journal!!!
day 7 was rainy, it's just freaking raining everywhere we went when we want to take decent scenery photos. zzz.
actually we threw our umbrellas at the count of 3 so you won't see it in the photos, or it'll look like this:
oh well. anyway this is the very famous hotel which the ex president's wife stayed in. looks a bit eerie, but i'd love to stay in it.
the soldiers guarding the entrance were changing shift at the time we went.
when they finished, we all swarmed around them to take photo. marcus got hit because he lightly touched them. whoops.
stopped by to get some green tea before moving on for lunch
... and here's lunch at deng li jun restaurant
aren't you getting sick just looking at the food... anyway it wasn't that bad, after all it's deng li jun's favourite restaurant...
how to encourage your smoker friends who likes her to not smoke
took some pictures with the cute girls in our group as well
after lunch we went to some pi shiu shop where our fortunes were told and we were supposed to buy these lions so they help change our 'destiny'. one costs a few hundreds, so of course i didn't get any.
the colour i lack... motivation and purpose. so true...
and the colour i like which i didn't get!
very nice dark pi shiu
we then went to take a look at the miniature museum. was simply amazing!!!
they created a miniature of the entrance place we were at
love the dolls
we have like over hundreds of these photos so i'll just randomnly pick some...
miniature within a miniature
lovely rooms and kitchen
small tv set that's actually working!
sewing items
love the rome settings
wedding dress!
corner with all the houses for contest
love the big houses!!!
japanese street
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