Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my ultra late report of mecha museum cos it took such a bloody long time to upload the videos (and i still have not finished uploading them)

i went for 2 consecutive weekends.

since you've already heard about day 1 and 2, i shall continue to day 3 and 4.

DAY 3 was a workshop conducted by dark knight and takasou-san, the tokyo representatives in 2007 (i think). they taught us various methods, but i didn't really take any photos =.= lazy.

i did take one with kaika though lol if that helps any


dark knight then decided to wrap the whole event by putting on his eva01 suit!


his hands were amazing because it was an extended hand and he had all the string mechanism to make his fingers move (indescribable here). he could even carry and flip balls around


his shoes were like 30cm tall i think. WOW.

the next day i went back for his evangelion and lancelot performance, and managed to take pictures of all the mechas too

i can't really remember their names, whoops


knight of gold


this really looks like megazord


and my unicorn gundam!!


my tempo roommate wani was dressed up as suzaku... look at the perfect team!! HOTEHHHH


and then i went to become the 第三者


this was their eva performance. will upload the lancelot one tonight. taken by iphone, so don't expect too much =.=

and i finally uploaded their code geass performance!!

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