the bus trip was a few hours long, but we had good breakfast!!
and then we reached the resort...
and had a good lunch!! LUCKY! love jap food.
there were groups of half-naked boys standing around too hahah.
didn't really get to take much pictures since me and fae was running around in our swimwear. but it's a water slide park and really nice in there!
we also got to go to the edo-styled onsen. whee~
there was also a concert going on with lots of hawaiian dances. pictures courtesy of stella~!
fire-playing guy
then we went to a temple at fukushima.
never see ducks before?
here's that temple!
something that's supposed to make you smart...
group photo near the lake
and off we go!
next stop is at a place selling lots of fresh food and seafood.
huge crabby
we saw a baby shark that had its eyes gouged out and was swimming lopsidedly... it was pretty sad. when it stopped swimming the seler went to poke it so hard i feel sorry for only being able to stand there, watching it swim helplessly...
some good food restaurants and stalls around this place...
was very misty when we left.
sang karaoke on the way back
and had a great dinner which i ate for 2.5hours hahaha