here's the before look (actually i've already started on it before i realised i should take the before/after pictures so the collars are cut and the satin sleeves are hidden in)
and here's the reformed look after giving the cut collars some pleated satin, added on sleeves and lined some ribbon applique over the pleated satins along the neckline and sleeves hole. have also cut a bit of the skirt so it flows diagonally, but the effect is not obvious. didn't remove part of the metal hole studs cos it gives a corset feeling when worn, which is not so bad. kind of low cut overall though but of cos i can always pair it with a tube.
actually wanted the sleeves to be split so i can put a button but in the end both sleeves split in the same direction so it looks kinda awkward so i stitched up the split.
i bet no one can understand what i'm saying. but i'm typing for myself, so what's wrong. xD
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