Saturday, January 18, 2020

Follow up Ultrasound

Getting out of the hospital wasn't really the last step. There's of cos more checks and visit to the docs to come, to ensure that in the first trimester my babies are developing properly.

In any case, here's my good news! Both the embryos implanted safely in my tummy.

the good thing is i get a printout of all the ultrasounds i go to as well as the video! the videos are downloadable through an app called SayBebe, and after you register the barcodes given by the hospital. they gave me a diary to log my baby status as well as a book on pregnancy caring. but it was in full korean so i only looked at the pictures...

after about a week, i am still quite bloated although my weight dropped to about 48kg. my tummy has this very weird bumpy shape though. not sure if it's normal or due to my oversized ovaries...

1) Rewards for a confirmed Pregnancy~

since i was confirmed to be pregnant with twins, i was given an official certification and the reward to apply for a Hengbokh card. If you have 1 baby, you get about 600k but with more than 1 baby you get 1000k (why doesn't the math add up?!) Not complaining since i get free money, although it can only be used for hospital fees and fees related to my babies. i went down to Woori bank to make an application and it came about 3-4days later. wheee~

2) Body Dryer (really not needed)

in the meantime... we bought some stuff to prepare my later days... nampyeon has been eyeing this for some time and he finally has an excuse to get - a body dryer! although i have much doubts about this machine... i was not able to stop him...

it's supposed to be able to measure your weight and your fat amount (thru a phone app) while you're on it. basically, it's a machine for lazy people who do not want to dry themselves with a towel after bathing. and nampyeon insists that when my tummy gets bigger i'll need this cos i won't be able to bend an dry my legs. but for now... you actually have to stand there for a good few minutes so the wind can evaporate those water off your body.. and the so-called warm wind, is not warm at all... 0/10 for this product. 300bucks fly away just like that....

3) Body Pillow

the next thing is a body pillow recommended by my sis, because she says that in the later trimester i would have to sleep sideways to prevent the bump from pressing on my organs. since this pillow looks really comfy... i got my husband to do a search for the better ones before he went to purchase.

we bought this for about 95k..?? it's actually pretty expensive for a pillow and the cover requires an extra 30k T_T i actually don't think it has any special abilities for now except for the queer shape. tried sleeping with it on the first day but the neck portion was too high and i got a neckache. so... i kinda flipped it around and now the neck portion is to prop my legs. but i realised that if i stack my pillow vertically over the neck portion i can sleep in a slightly raised position. these days my morning sickness is terrible and i feel like vomiting if i sleep in too straight a position. so this thing actually helped! 8/10 for now? it's supposed to help more when my bump gets bigger!

4) Clarins Pregnancy Care Set

my last purchase is a clarins pregnancy care set recommended by my sis to prevent stretch marks. i actually already have stretch marks on my thighs, so the likelihood of getting it on my stomach is probably 100%. the best promo is back in singapore! they give all kinds of freebies and if you get it at metro there's an additional 20% off (sometimes), from the UP 185SGD. since i need to start using it from about the 2nd month onwards and no one is visiting this period... i got it off lotte shopping mall for about 115k. it came with quite some freebies as well. not too bad! i've alr started using 80% of them. heheh. i'm not really sure on the effects yet but since my sis says it's good it must be!

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