oh gosh our flight was full of funny events, first we saw this extremely big sized guy whom frank claims doesn't want to eat because he couldn't put the tray down
but after that he seems to prove us wrong!
being too bored, we camwhored with val
the food wasn't that great... this was dinner
and this was breakfast before we landed
when we queued to check out, this vietnamese auntie kept sticking to my back - as if someone's gonna cut her queue. URGHH we tried various means to let her know shes standing too near, like i would accidentally step back on her, or frank would scare me and i'd bang into her, or i'd just keep turning back to look at her but she didn't get it!! GOSH. so i ended up being 'molested' by her many times.
and then the young vietnamese girl cut our queue and took her shoes off while she was queuing... all these viets drove me nuts.
finally arrived at incheon for 1.5 hours later than scheduled because of the very long queue while checking out. Yong jin and arsene-San were already waiting for us since 7 so it was kind of embarrassing we underestimated the hours for so long. Arsene-San also treated us to lunch, and he took about 4 hours to drive us over because the jam was just too horrifying... (takes 1 hour normally)
halfway there arsene-san treated us to lunch!!!
jajangmyeong rocks...
Arrived at everland with pretty much nothing to do, but I was very happy to see saerom!! She was dressed as Halloween rikku an her partner, Seulgi, was dressed as halloween Paine. Seulgi is seriously thin... In a good way! Her stomach is straight flat *envious*
We were told that some Korean stars were supposed to come at 3, so me, saerom, Seulgi and Val went to wait at the rehearsal area. We managed to see lee dong gun and Andy from shinhwa, but I didn't really know them and my main reason was Kim nam Gil. What was scary was the Line of fans waiting to see their idols were all obasan from japan. Wow. so more photos.
we were so bored saerom suggested playing with her 'which stars do you look like' application - guess who i looked like?~?~?~
We waited for more than half an hour and as Seulgi and saerom had been complying since the morning, their legs were aching so we went back for a short rest. I later realized that even kim nam Gil didn't come at the end... Oh well... T_T we did do some interesting things in the room though while seulgi and saerom changed to their rehearsal costumes...
met lee-san and he 'totally forgot' who i am. so now he calls me 'tanaka-san'. so badddddd i'm gonna haunt him with the bumseonlee song.
At night about 8 when almost all the participants arrived there was a rehearsal taking place. I was, however, taken on a small side trip where I was supposedly able to see 'magic'. Although the magic wasn't quite what I had expected, it wasn't that bad in the end and I think I might have experienced something better than the rehearsals. =X
When we went back I was surprised to see the rest of the karas team!! HELLO HUGS PLEASE! I miss all of you guys!! Rain (jungu), 0(seungyong), ms (Myungseon). I can't believe I'm gonna be performing with such an awesome team!! Still can't believe it even now. Ww. So that was when I started my first rehearsal all the way to about 2am. There was a bit of difficulty in communicating the timing and actions, and Yong jin helped save the day! For our first full rehearsal i got everything wrong (duh) and they realized I need more drilling 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。 so we went out and rain and 0 Drilled the whole timing into me and forced me to listen to the mp3 over and over again. My actions were still considered pretty relaxed, it's ms and rain who had to do like 20,000 flips when we repeated the practice over and over again - whoops. During practice, I also got to know jimin, white karas, who created his famous 'why' expression 囧rz. Ooh, I got to try fanta during one of our breaks - jelly orange fizzy drink, very nice! 0 seems to like pudding, when he heard there was jelly he got one for himself too. Yong jin tried this sparkling chocolate, not so bad :D
Around 1-2am I had to 偷懒for a while and help a friend, when I came back rain was 'Oye practice!'-ing me already, meanie... 디가니가!
did these pictures via scrapblog.com actually... heehee very interesting right?
After we were done with the last few rounds, we gathered around to have a mini drinking session with the wcf staff (manyong, lopez, Yong jin, Hyun jin), monster hunter and persona team (we were the only ones still practicing) and they all loved the bakwa We brought. More for you guys next time! ♥
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