This was when my whole nightmare started. I had diarrhea the day before because i left my
carrot cake out from the morning and didn't keep it in the fridge. I ate it at night for dinner and
it tasted slightly weird. This was probably the worst decision I've ever made... and I'm not sure
if this was the trigger factor but I'm sure it had something to do with what follows after.
uneasy, i called for a checkup just the next day. Our main doctor wasn't there and the lady
who took over just did a quick scan of each baby's heartbeat, as well as my cervix length. They
put me in the contractions room to monitor my tummy movements and said that i seem to be
having slight contractions (eventho i couldn't feel anything abnormal).
I was placed on IV drip for about an hour with a device in my hand to press should i feel
anything weird. I didn't, and ended up not pressing anything. The only thing i felt was my
throat drying up when they linked the drips and i kept coughing.
At the end i was told that
i could leave but i would need to do a Corona test - it involves sticking a stick about 70%
the length of a pocky down my nose to retrieve the mucus at the back, and a cotton swab
of whatever it is at the back of my mouth. I was told to stay home till they called me for the
results. Of course i was negative for Corona.
I was supposed to have a detailed ultrasound of my babies on the 7th but it was postponed a
week later since the rough ultrasound indicated normality.
During this week i carried on activities per normal - working on Photoshop, playing games,
taking noon naps and staying up late (till 4am). Looking back, late nights and long hours of
sitting may even have been contributing factors.
There was nothing out of the normal.
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