Sunday, May 26, 2019

190526 Jungang Sijang

The next day was mainly a shop and eat day. We went over to the terminal first to deposit our bags which we shouldn't have... the stalls selling the dried seafood doubles up as locker providers but they charged like 3k won a day!!! we headed to homefix near the central (jungang) sijang to find that homefix was renting lockers at 100 won a day........ what a HUGE difference.

we met up with osung who was also there too and hung out with him~

anyways, on with the food. we randomly ate at stalls that has loooong queue because that has to signify that the food is good right? and this omuk corokke is goooood!

we ordered cheese, kimchi and 2x sweet potato and it seems that sweet potato tasted the best, next to cheese! the layer of omuk around the filling was niceeeee.

i keep seeing the squid ink ice cream everywhere but we eventually didn't try it. perhaps next time.

tried the hoddeok ice cream as well. it's kinda like prata hurhur. it's another must-eat as well!

walked around homefix and it seems it's selling all the BTS blankets that laogong wants. so there goes her moneh! it was all sold out in seoul so she was eggstatic when she saw this. lol.

we went for a little shopping and then decided to go for ktv! got so many 100pts but didn't get any extra free songs. sad.

we ended our KTV session around 5 and decided to go to the sundufu town since it was pretty nearby. it took only 20mins by bus. the rest of the gang had already left around 3pm so there was only me and laogong left.

we kinda just randomly chose a sundufu place because there was like at least 10 restaurants selling the same thing around. this place sort of had some people so it wouldn't be bad to follow the crowd right?

wanted the seafood jangppong sundufu but was told that it will be too spicy for us so we ordered the normal one instead. it tastes so vastly different from the normal sundufu that we had but it's still not too bad, though i preferred our default version.

the catch was really the gelato outside. since i was having diarrhea for 2 days straight i was apprehensive about eating it so we just bought one to share. but since it's gelato, there's no milk and my diarrhea wasn't triggered. heheh.

we went back to homefix to get laogong's blanket and did my last shopping before leaving for yongin via the last bus at 8pm.

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