Friday, September 11, 2020

A month of not seeing minzy

We got updates every few days, since we weren't able to see minzy now with the ban setting in. however, there was also some strike going on so information was slower than before. we were actually curious about the MRI results although we've already some expectations in mind. for some reason the nurses weren't very willing to call us. when they did after some pursuing, we finally understood - a lot of parents weren't very happy because the workers went on strike, while their babies were still in nicu. it seem to show a lack of responsibility. 

that actually didn't occur to me. the nurses actually still went on their daily duties, they just shortened the staff for areas that were not so important - such as calling the parents for updates XD well, i guess the safety of the babies still come first... if you're curious, the strike happened because there was some law passed to make medicine degrees easier, so that there will be more caregivers. due to the virus, there was just a shortage of such people especially in the rural areas. although it was passed for a good cause, it still didn't make sense to let underqualified people become doctors... it will just be an increase in quantity but not quality in the end.

in any case, we got updates as follows:

30 Aug

2.08kg. Minzy moved back to the heavier respirator as her breathing wasn't regular so they decided to move her back T_T

2 Sep

2.15kg. Change in respirator to the lighter one again since she has stabilized. usually the changes are done consistently so that the babies are trained to be used to the decrease in oxygen flow. if not they will constantly be reliant on the respirators...

5-6 Sep

2.27kg. the nurses told us that minzy could finish the whole 25ml milk bottle when she was given formula, but kept rejecting when it was breastmilk. it made sense, because there's a plasticky taste when breastmilk gets defrost, after it's frozen. breastmilk tastes the best when it's just right out of the boob i guess - but nothing beats the taste of formula milk. 

9 sep

2.41kg. they tried mixing bm and formula to deceive her tongue. it seems to work. they informed us that her surgery to put back her intestines will be done at the end of the month - which means we'll be able to see her soon! still, that's almost a month away. i asked when moms will be allowed in to get trained in taking care of babies, but that's only done 3 days before the discharge. sighs. well, i tried....

11 sep

the nurses actually FORGOT to tell us that something important happened on the 5 sep night. minzy had difficulty breathing after finishing her milk, and her heart stopped. they resuscitated her but the blood test afterwards showed some inflammation. usually it happens when babies are not in the best condition, or after surgery. my poor minzy!!! omg. i guess this is why SIDS happens. in a way i guess i should be glad she's in the nicu... wouldn't want to know what might happen had she been home...T_T

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