Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Day 3 Nagoya City, Brother

so the day before we were told we'd be going to another city, but the schedule was reverted to the original in the morning. doesn't really make a difference, but i do think nagoya city visit is much much better.

it's milla today from tales today, and i realised how tattered my pvc got after i put it on. thank goodness it was only for half a day...

at least it was all in-house and air con today!

visited another office and all the staff was dressed in onepiece costumes... wow

had to do a group photo in the bright sun..

chionged to the shades after the photo session was over

got back to the hotel to change, then got ready for a super duper awesome lunchhhh. there was a bit of time before it so we had a short dessert break with team taiwan in the meantime

and then there's lunchhhhh yayyyyy~ this restaurant is supposed to be specialising in unagi but we ate shabu there T_T it was still nice though!

this food made the trip awesome!!!

love the mochi at the end

and leaving the lunch was the saddest part T_T

then it's time to go for some propa----- visit.

wall of sewing machines!!!

brother's milestones

and some interaction time with the machine and cutter - whee~~

such amazing cutter. after the visit, it was home time~

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